Cartridge and Bag Filters
ISPARTA Cartridge Filter Systems consist of filter body and cartridges. Filter body is the house for main element-cartridges that will filter water. Cartridges have different micron sensitivity. For this reason, for different capacities, it is possible to do sensitive filtration according to filtration degree, quantity and special applications.
Raw water parameters affect service life and thus fouling period of cartridges. Exhausted cartridges should be changed since they cause both increasing amount of pressure loss and decreasing in filtration sensibility and quality. Bag Filter Systems consist of filter body and bag filters. Filter body is the house for main element- bag filter that filter water. Liquid flows from inside to outside and all particles and dirt remain inside bag filter. Bag filters are generally exchangeable type but sometimes can be washed when it is clogged.
- Holds all particulates between 70-110 micron. Works in high capacityrange.
- Water production continues even during cleaning.
- It does not need spare part because there is no moving part inside.Filter material is made from SS304 stainless steel or St-37 carbon steel.
- Pressure loss is fixed; there is no change at high flow capacity.
- Maximum operating pressure is 8 bar.
- • There is no risk of plugging as there is no filter element.
- Easy installation and maintenance
- FRP housing designed for corrosion resistant
- High chemical resistance
- Designed for compact use and small footprint
- Modular Design