Ozone is composed of three oxygen atoms (O3). It is an unstable light blue gas at room temperature and under high pressure and can be easily broken down into oxygen (O2). Its half-life is about 30 minutes. It is in 1785 that the Germans first discovered this special gas.
Ozone applications can be summarized as follows:
• Water Treatment
• Disinfection and bacteria killing
• Decomposition of organic matters
• Removal of color, odor and taste
• Sterilization of cold storage warehouse
• Sterilization and purification of food
processing shops
• Space sterilization
• Water Treatment
• Disinfection and bacteria killing
• Decomposition of organic matters
• Removal of color, odor and taste
• Sterilization of cold storage warehouse
• Sterilization and purification of food
processing shops
• Space sterilization